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Gyro or YEAR-O?

I just saw a comercial for everyone's favorite manna from heaven - Nutella. The voiceover pronounced it as NEW-tella. WTF? Nobody says that right? Clearly that is the right way. The company says so. But come on. It has nuts in it. Give me a break.


The struggle is real for those of us that have read the occasional book and need to pronounce words like Gyro or even Ikea. My ex from Holland says E-Kay-Ya. That's a better authority than a Jersey Girl for the European Chain no? In doing my "research" for this blog I discovered a former server at a Greek restaurant. She says that the Greeks pronounced it Ji-Ro and not the Year-O often thought to be the traditional ethnic way to say it. AND that the Greeks felt that those honkies that said it any other way are pretentious fucks.


My assessment is when in Rome (or 'Merica) say it the popular way. "You'll always be NuT-Tella to me."

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Which Water Today?

I have come a long way from putting a toe in the water on Lake Erie many summers ago. Today my choices are to hang on a gorgeous lake in Sweetwater or get sand in my shoes on the Atlantic Ocean. These are my kind of choices. Blessed to be invited to the lake. Blessed to live at the ocean.


I hate paying a toll to get to a real grocery store. Hurricane Sandy put a damper on coastal living. But in the end, you can't beat it. Now I just need to just need to get myself into a two-piece. Well maybe next year.

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Sour Sixteen

I am in hazy disbelief that the sixteen Republican hopefuls defended on my hometown of Cleveland, Ohio last night. Shocking too was that one of them (he who shall not be named) actually said "I had the good sense to leave Atlantic City." Talk about taking a one two punch. I'm glad Cleveland got some dough. But what a soul selling way to do it.

The American Dream has gone askew when a man who's name is synonymous  with bankruptcy is leading the pack to be in charge of America's economy. Abe Lincoln is turning in his grave as he watches his party be unable to put up someone who can eclipse this bozo. Thinking W's brother can do it is like expecting Casey Affleck to do what Ben could not.

What I would like to see is the destruction of the two-party we system we have come to know a loathe. Wouldn't it be great to have seen 16 parties independently vying for media attention than just one backwater voice singing in sixteen part harmony?

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Welcome to the New Site!

Please excuse our "cyber dust" as we create a fabulous new page from the ground up. There will be bells. There will be whistles. But until it is done this is a great time to check out my YouTube Channel, my Facebook Page, or come and see me tonight at 7:30p.m. at Sandi Pointe Coastal Bistro in Somers Pointe No cover. No Minimum.

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Can everything be taught?

I am gearing up to teach a comedy workshop. It has me thinking about whether everything worth knowing can be taught. Can you really teach hitting a fastball? Can you train to be an affective minister? Can you learn the courage to jump out of an airplane or cliff dive? Or are some talents just something you have to be born with?

I know as far as performing goes. I honed my craft and am better for it. I have learned from biographies I have read from stand up comics, YouTube videos and I even took a clown class. But I also was in a lot of classes where some of he folks next to me couldn't act their way out of a traffic ticket and no amount of training could have them mastering Shakespeare. They just didn't have it. 

But what the hell is "it"? The best answer I have heard is "You'll know it when you see it." That works for me.

As far as comedy goes. I think it is a worthy pursuit. I can't see any occupation where a little sense of humor wouldn't go a long way. I'm not suggesting that an oncologist deliver bad news with a limerick. But I am suggesting that there comes a sense of calm, community and happiness when people are laughing. 

I believe anybody that wants to be can be funny. We all at least see funny things everyday; fat people eating fries and diet soda, a dog humping away on a sexy shin or a conservative blaming the gays for the weather. See it. Interpret it. Find the funny. Now go get 'em. 

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Blog Author

Michelle Tomko's comedy is a fervent blend of tomboy sensibilities courtesy of the older brothers she grew up with in the Midwest and the barrage of perimenopausal chaos the East Coast world has heaped upon her. She pulls her humor from everyday observations and classic stories of family, travel, pets, and adversity. With razor-sharp crowd work and improvisational skills to the rock-solid timing of a veteran performer, Michelle’s act is not to be missed!

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