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Gotta Have a Wawa

Is it wrong that I am super ecited that tomorrow is Free Coffee Day at Wawa? Am I crazy to drive 20 minutes offshore to the nearest Wawa to my house? Hey, if the Pope can make someone born in 560 patron saint of the internet, I guess I'm making perfect sense.  

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Flu Away

I might have given myself the flu with a flu shot. Shocker. Who thought this was a good idea to infect yourself with a bit of the disease you don't want? I got sucked in. It was the new pumpkin spice flu shot. Grande.

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We Have the Meats!

I went to a great cook out tonight. There was a table full of laughs, wine, and ... meats. Sausage, steak, chicken, shrimp, crab. No hot dogs or burgers here. It feels so good to be grown up. No bowl of chips. No pre-made salsa. I remember the Frugal Gourmet (Jeff Smith; prior to the sex scandal) saying that you can learn about a culture by it's food.  I guess you can also learn a lot about maturity by what's on the menu as well.

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Phone Home

So my buddy lost his phone. Guy found it and wanted a reward. What happened to being a good Samaratan? I mean what is the return of a retro T-Mobile phone worth anyway? Come on. Do a good deed. Get some good Karma. As opposed to calling China on somebody else's dime. And with the Pope so close by. Add a comment

Pope Weekend

It is so crazy that a visit from a religious leader can shut down an entire city. It is so unfair to those of other religions. It is so unfair to atheists and agnostics. It is so unfair to people, who just want to see the Liberty Bell, have a cheesesteak and go the funk home. Thank god nobody wants to come to Atlantic City. I have it all to myself. I just can't get a good cheesesteak here.

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Blog Author

Michelle Tomko's comedy is a fervent blend of tomboy sensibilities courtesy of the older brothers she grew up with in the Midwest and the barrage of perimenopausal chaos the East Coast world has heaped upon her. She pulls her humor from everyday observations and classic stories of family, travel, pets, and adversity. With razor-sharp crowd work and improvisational skills to the rock-solid timing of a veteran performer, Michelle’s act is not to be missed!

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