So as I was telling you yesterday I am reading The Comedy Bible. Did you send me your commitment contract yet? Please do. Winners never quit and quitters nev...(Oh god. I'm not gonna beg ya.)
Anyway today I was reading a page about diversifying into screen writing, corporate gigs, hell even greeting cards. Just then my friend's son popped into my head. He recently graduated from film school and got a small development deal. After Fighting off feeling ancient and unsuccessful myself I thought "Hey. I have to keep in touch with him. He might be big one day." He asked me to be in one of his projects once. But the scheduling got screwed up. What was his email again?
So about an hour after this happened I got a call from this kid's mother. What? How random is that? I never think about this kid. I assure you very little of my time is spent on college boys. Miss Understood? Yes. Mrs. Robinson? No.
But my new way of thinking definitely makes me wonder what the universe has in store for me now. When you really shut up and listen there are signs like this all day everyday. They are as clear as Five Man Electrical Band said it would be. That song you are humming in your head right now? Yes. Those Canadians one-hit-wonders wrote it.
I'm on the path people. Come and join me. I'm off to write the short and chubby new version ofTheGraduate or something. See you tomorrow. Unless you are a long-haired skinny people.