It's ten degrees tonight. It's that kind of weather where neighbors worry that their pipes will freeze, their windshield wipers will snap, and their perennials won't come back. But then you always have that one asshole in the neighborhood who could give two shits about his dog and leaves him outside. Like all of a sudden every breed turns into an Akita and can brave a frozen flippin' tundra because he has a three-sided plastic dome that looks like an igloo. It is driving me crazy because this barbaric crap is all legal. A dog needs two things: shelter and thawed water. There is no attention to type of dog. A short-haired pug has the same requirements as a Saint Bernard. Amazing right? So throw your Shih Tzu outside folks. That dog is descended from wolves pal.
I think I finally found a scenario that I can't make funny. Bring your freakin' dog in. So I can get some sleep.