Before we go any further with this relationship I think I should let you in on something. I suffer from wait for it…wait for it…wait for it…Procrastination. How confident am I in this self- diagnosis? One of my college professors told me that I should write. I just celebrated my 43rd birthday and this is my 11th blog EVER!
So what did I do all day that was so important before I wrote this? Well first of all its the playoffs. So come on. Then I played with the dogs, watched the episode of American Horror that I missed, volunteered to cook dinner for four, picked up my room, watched the latest episode of Law & Order: SVU, crushed some candy, made sure that my plants were keeping me safe from zombies, and watched Modern Family which was ironically about blogging. Now in my defense Modern Family is a comedy. So that counts as research.
Why do I procrastinate so much? ADD? Probably. Laziness? Not really. I've given this a lot of thought. Mostly when I have something else that I should be doing. For me that getting started step is so hard because whatever I am about to embark on is always perfect in my head. The pizza crust is golden brown. The joke is worded unforgettably. The bed is made with a perfect crease. The awkward conversation is spoken with aplomb. The gift fits perfectly. The Manhattan has just the right amount of vermouth in it. (This last one has caused me to miss a few deadlines too.) That single, terrifying first step where everything is brought into our imperfect third dimension just messes with my head.
I know. I know. To make omelets you have to crack the eggs. Now that I think of it the only thing scarier than step one is starring at an empty page. So maybe in the future I can remind myself of that and get cracking. I will if you will. Go get 'em world.
Good night and good luck.
Michelle Tomko