Phone: 609-287-6559


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"Hey Universe. Over Here!"

Alright Mr. Universe. Where are ya? I am putting myself out there and getting great feedback. But I'm running short on gigs. Wait. Let me be clear. I am running short on paying gigs. There is always some charity walk or birthday party that can't wait to book me. I have done the work and worked The Secret. So pay your Karma tab already would ya?

If not for me, then do it for the legions of fans (ok 178) who read my blog every day. I am running out of things to talk about. It's like Superman not having any burning buses of school children to save. What? Too much? Ok. Well it's at least like the Long Island Medium not having any store clerks to make cry. Either way please advise.

Your pal,


Blog Author

Michelle Tomko's comedy is a fervent blend of tomboy sensibilities courtesy of the older brothers she grew up with in the Midwest and the barrage of perimenopausal chaos the East Coast world has heaped upon her. She pulls her humor from everyday observations and classic stories of family, travel, pets, and adversity. With razor-sharp crowd work and improvisational skills to the rock-solid timing of a veteran performer, Michelle’s act is not to be missed!

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