Today I'm excited to be writing blog number 99. Then you know what song popped into my head as I got to thinking there are a bunch of 99's in our culture:
99 Luftballons by good old Nena, the catlike Agent 99, 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall, and our beloved 99¢ Stores just to name a few. Okay, I know they have mostly increased to dollar stores - but those were the days. Honorable mentions also go to: the biggest linebacker on most football squads and the “add a side salad for...”
Of course every item you pick up in a store costs "x.99". I find that insulting to my intelligence. Who do you think you are fooling? It's sad too. I mean nowadays people won't even stop to pick up a penny on the ground. I do damnit! I'm not telling the universe I have enough money. No sir. Gimme all the germ-laden pennies you got! Maybe that's why I'm sick all the time? But I just watched Lincoln, so show some respect. Pick those copper Abe Lincoln medallions up!