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When did it become permissible to speak without a whisper, perhaps dare I say in outside voice, in the library?  If this is not a sign of the collapse of our society I don't know what is. Who is to blame? Is it the internet? Miley Cyrus? Antibiotics in the chicken? All I know is if this isn't stopped people will be flag-burning and hanging their toilet paper in the rebellious "under" manner before we know it.

I'm not talking about a father lovingly reading a book to his toddler either. The other day three teens were playing videos on a phone while pounding out a rap beat on the table top. All this was happening within the earshot of four librarians who did nothing. At this particular tax-dollar-guzzling branch in Bedford I counted a half dozen employees. Now you would think that somebodie's job description would have the word "shhhhh" in it. But no. That is until a brave senior citizen complained. Atta boy Pops. Don't mess with a veteran trying to save a dollar on the newspaper. But what was the sanction? They moved to another table where they were just as loud. When I think of all the reprimands, the shushes, the missed gold stars, and recess sanctions handed out at St. Mary's for talking in the library I am just sickened. 

It's not just in Ohio either. At my local library in Absecon, New Jersey it is regular practice for the golden girls who man the front desk to fill out the crossword puzzle community style in full voices. So who is going to take a "SHHHHH" from them? What's a four-letter word for discourteous

Blog Author

Michelle Tomko's comedy is a fervent blend of tomboy sensibilities courtesy of the older brothers she grew up with in the Midwest and the barrage of perimenopausal chaos the East Coast world has heaped upon her. She pulls her humor from everyday observations and classic stories of family, travel, pets, and adversity. With razor-sharp crowd work and improvisational skills to the rock-solid timing of a veteran performer, Michelle’s act is not to be missed!

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