"The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interrèd with their bones." - Julius Caesar
Of course the above quote is from Mark Anthony's eulogy to Julius Caesar. But I'm not sure that is true based on what I saw yesterday. Nobody had anything bad to say about my dad. It seems the swearing, racism, and general dislike of most of the people he met all got interred with his bones.
It's strange that a guy who caused me so much angst and embarrassment can be summed up with a "eh, he's not such a bad guy." It's strange to know that some of the mourners haven't seen my dad in years - decades even. So what are they so upset about? The fact they lost their chance to ever see him again? The guilt over the family feud that kept them apart? Or do the memories of high school glories and young gun adventures just have them all choked up?
Crazy day. I'm still processing. But I can safely say that you have to choose what to put in the hole when someone dies. It's up to you. Shakespeare's Brutus chose the good. My family chose the bad. What will you choose?