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The Back Half Begins -or- Every Second Counts

Yesterday an extra second of time caused havoc on thousands of computer networks that connect the internet. It's amazing what one, single second can do. 

We spend a lot of time thinking we don't have enough time to do this or that. We spend a ton of time thinking too much time has passed for us to do what we really wanted to do with our life. We waste a lot of time.

As I begin the back half of my daily blog for the year I also find myself in the back half of my life. it feels like it is too late sometimes. But then a single extra second almost brought the big, bad, interwebs down. Imagine what we can do with an extra couple of years.

Blog Author

Michelle Tomko's comedy is a fervent blend of tomboy sensibilities courtesy of the older brothers she grew up with in the Midwest and the barrage of perimenopausal chaos the East Coast world has heaped upon her. She pulls her humor from everyday observations and classic stories of family, travel, pets, and adversity. With razor-sharp crowd work and improvisational skills to the rock-solid timing of a veteran performer, Michelle’s act is not to be missed!

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