Well as it turns out my mother will do anything to keep me in town. I came back to the house yesterday to find her hysterical, the kitchen sink gurgling, and the bathtub full of the water that drained from the washing machine. That by the way is ingenious. Instead of the floor being soaked the water ends up in the tub! At least something works in the that house.
But anyway, my mom has been in the same house for 53 years. So that means she still has clay pipes for her underground water. If you didn't know tree roots seek out the seams in those clay pipes to drink the fine nectar of Betty Lou's waste water. Eventually those roots ball up and crack the pipe all together. That's what happened yesterday. I was so close to skipping town too. I saw as many pals as I could, I helped my mom with her garage sale, and took her to karaoke as much as I could stand. But as Al Pacino tells us that's when "they pull me back in."
So here I sit at hotel Tomko with no water. It's amazing how much you use it too. I really took it for granted. Lots of things really. I've been thinking of the woman who have to walk miles for water third-world countries. I've been thinking of the power of nature and how a tiny pliable root can shatter stone. I've been thinking about renting and never again dealing with all this home owner crap...literally!
But right now I am thinking how the Bedford Falls Cafe is closing at 9:30 and I have to use the potty before I go home.
Good night folks.