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Jesus "H" Christ!

Pointing right. Probably not a great concept for a Democrat. Retro? Maybe leave it to the hospital signs peppering the country. But the question not being asked is why the "H" in the first place? The candidates name is Clinton. 

Why is this female candidate already being marginalized? I never saw a McCain logo that was just a big "J". Hell Dubya got to use his last name on all his bumper stickers when he ran. Even though he had the same name (and wanted to fight the same war...but that's for another blog) of his pops. I'm surprised the company behind the logo, Pentagram, didn't just opt for slapping up Mrs. Clinton in red, white, and blue. She has a last name people. She's not Cher!

I know we already had a Clinton in the White House. But maybe,  just maybe, we can trust the masses to differentiate between the two on their own. Hint. Hint. She's the one not getting blown in the oval office...yet.

Blog Author

Michelle Tomko's comedy is a fervent blend of tomboy sensibilities courtesy of the older brothers she grew up with in the Midwest and the barrage of perimenopausal chaos the East Coast world has heaped upon her. She pulls her humor from everyday observations and classic stories of family, travel, pets, and adversity. With razor-sharp crowd work and improvisational skills to the rock-solid timing of a veteran performer, Michelle’s act is not to be missed!

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